MCA21 is an e-Governance drive of Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), Government of India that empowers a simple and secure access of the MCA administrations to the corporate substances, experts and residents of India.
The MCA21 application is intended to completely computerize all cycles connected with the proactive implementation and consistence of the legitimate prerequisites under the Companies Act, 1956, New Companies Act, 2013 and Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008. This will help the business local area to meet their legal commitments.
The MCA21 application offers the accompanying.
Empowers the business local area to enroll an organization and record legal reports rapidly and without any problem.
Gives simple access of public archives
Helps quicker and viable goal of public complaints
Helps enlistment and check of charges without any problem
Guarantees proactive and successful consistence with significant laws and corporate administration
Empowers the MCA workers to convey best of breed administrations
Administrations advertised
Acquire Digital Signature Certificate – The Information Technology Act, 2000 has arrangements for utilization of Digital Signatures on the archives submitted in electronic form to guarantee the security and legitimacy of the records documented electronically. This is secure and valid method for presenting an archive electronically. All things considered, everything filings done by the organizations/LLPs under MCA21 e-Governance program are needed to be recorded utilizing Digital Signatures by the individual approved to sign the reports.
Apply for Director Identification Number (DIN) – The idea of a Director Identification Number (DIN) has been presented interestingly with the inclusion of Sections 266A to 266G of Companies (Amendment) Act, 2006. Accordingly, all the current and aiming Directors need to get DIN inside the endorsed time span as informed.
View ace subtleties of any organization/LLP enlisted with Registrar of Companies – An office has been made accessible to the overall population to see ace subtleties of any organization/LLP enrolled with Registrar of Companies. This office might be benefited by clicking “View Company Master Data”. A comparable office has likewise been made accessible in regard of the ‘Register of Charges’ for the organizations/LLPs by tapping on to the ‘View Index of Charges’ and for the survey the subtleties of the signatories of any organization/LLP by tapping on ‘View Signatory Details’.
e-Filing for Limited risk organization (LLP) – In request to complete e-Filing on LLP, an office to download the e-form and fill it in a disconnected mode is accessible. Each form has the office to pre-fill the information accessible in LLP framework. When the e-form is filled, it must be approved utilizing Pre-examination button. The significant computerized marks must be joined and the form saved. A client must be associated with the web to complete the pre-fill and pre-investigation capacities.

MCA 3.0
During the financial 2021-22, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) will send off information examination driven MCA21 Version 3.0. This Version will have extra modules for e-Adjudication, e-Consultation and Compliance Management. MCA21 framework is the principal Mission Mode e-Governance task of Government of India.
MCA21 V3 Project is an innovation driven forward looking task, imagined to fortify authorization, advance Ease of Doing Business, improve client experience, work with consistent reconciliation and information trade among Regulators. The venture will have Micro-administrations engineering with high versatility and abilities for cutting edge examination.
Lined up with worldwide prescribed procedures and supported by arising advances, for example, AI and ML, MCA21 V3 is imagined to change the corporate administrative climate in India. The critical parts of MCA21 to be sent off during Fiscal Year 2021-22 are:
e-Scrutiny: MCA is in course of setting up a Central Scrutiny Cell which will investigate specific Straight Through Process (STP) Forms recorded by the corporates on the MCA21 library and banner the organizations for additional inside and out examination.
e-adjudication: E-settling module, has been conceptualized to deal with the expanded volume of mediation procedures by Registrar of Companies (RoC) and Regional Directors (RD) and will work with start to finish digitisation of the course of settling, for the simplicity of clients. It will give a stage to leading internet based hearings with partners and start to finish mediation electronically.
e-Consultation: To computerize and improve the current course of public meeting on proposed corrections and draft rules and so on, e-discussion module of MCA21 v3 will give a web-based stage wherein, proposed revisions/draft regulations will be posted on MCA’s site for outside clients/remarks and ideas relating to something very similar in an organized advanced organization. Further, the framework will likewise work with AI driven opinion examination, combination and order of partners’ bits of feedbacks and production of reports on the premise thereof, for reference of MCA.
Compliance Management System (CMS): CMS will help MCA in recognizing resistant organizations/LLPs, giving e-notification to the said defaulting organizations/LLPs, creating cautions for inner clients of MCA. CMS will fill in as an innovation stage/answer for directing guideline based consistence checks and undertaking requirement drives of MCA wherein e-notification will be given by MCA for viable organization of corporates.
MCA Lab: As a component of MCA21 V3, a MCA LAB is being set up, which will comprise of corporate law specialists. The essential capacity of MCA Lab will be to assess the viability of Compliance Management System, e-counsel module, authorization module, and so forth and propose upgrades to something very similar on an on-going premise. The Lab will help MCA in guaranteeing the accuracy of results delivered by these vital modules taking into account the powerful corporate biological system.
Furthermore, MCA21 V3 will have an intellectual talk bot empowered helpdesk, versatile applications, intelligent client dashboards, upgraded client experience utilizing UI/UX advancements, and consistent information spread through APIs.
Limited liability
The Companies Act gives that in occasion of an organization being closed down, the individuals from the organization are exclusively responsible to add to the resources and liabilities of the organization. It is as per the Companies Act – Section 34(2).
Nonetheless, on account of organizations that have been joined, none of its individuals lawfully will undoubtedly add to anything over the ostensible worth of offers held by the part which actually stay neglected.
The upside of having restricted responsibility for its individuals is one of the significant explanations behind setting up a joined organization.
Transferable shares
Section 82 of the organizations act expresses that ‘The offers or other interest of any part in an organization will be mobile property, adaptable in the way given by the articles of the organization.’
This prompts the venture of assets in shares. It is done as such that individuals would individuals be able to can encash shares at some random time upon their will.
It additionally effectively provides liquidity to the financial backers. They can sell shares, whenever they are able to, on the open market or the stock trade.